Just when you thought it was safe, and Janathon was over, here is another offering from me

My Janathon stats.

  • Running 125k
  • Cycling (exercise bike) 225k
  • Walking 86k
  • Swimming 1k

What was good about Janathon, what went to plan?

  • A triple Parkrun on New Year’s Day
  • Janathon runs on 3 continents, Europe, Asia and Africa
  • 2 Janathon runs on  the same day on 2 different continents
  • Discovered how great/useful an exercise bike can be
  • The equivalent of 2 marathons in the first week
  • Starting blogging

And the bad

  • Thigh strain on the day 17  that put a stop to running (apart from on day 23 which I had to do the achieve the 3rd point above; but I shouldn’t have done it!
  • Not running at least 180k, 100 miles, in the month
  • Only running 9k for the last 2 week

The most fun?

The ‘mock’ Riddlesdown Parkrun on day 19

So, a question for you all, if you had to choose one song, either title or lyrics, to sum up your Janathon, what would it be.  Mine is the title of this blog.

7 responses

  1. Well done on your Janathon. See you in June!

    1. Thanks, it might be harder to do Juneathon as there are likely to be more distractions at that time of year!

  2. Well done on your Janathon achievements, a very good total.
    Song is easy. Queen – Don’t stop me now. I think I’ll be looking back a year from now saying ‘janathon was when it all started’ 🙂

    1. Thanks, a good music choice, on day 16 of Janathon, ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ there is a photo I took in Stone Town, Zanzibar of the House where Freddie Mercury lived before moving to the UK!

  3. Awesome stuff Keith. I love all these ‘gimmicks’, Janathon, Jantastic, Febulous, Marchvellous, December Marcothon…

    These things are perfect for the motivation especially in inclement times!

    Hope the injury improves quickly matey. In my amateurish injury experience I found that protein and glutamine supplementation helped, and the obvious keeping the leg raised as much as possible, and hot/cold compression.

    From one staunch atheist to another, I wish you Godspeed in your recovery!!!

  4. Been thinking this over past few days without inspiration. Then the Go Betweens popped unbidden into my head (around mile 13 today). ‘Round and round, up and down, through the streets of your town’.
    There’s been plenty of that in janathon!

    1. Do keep running and blogging, and listening to great music.

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